Monday, October 17, 2011

Gen. 3:10 And he (Adam) said, I heard thy (God's) voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.

Which position is more beautiful? Which is more dangerous? Walking in the light or in darkness? Both have different advantages depending on who or what we are. 
Blending in is usually the safest spot to be in. Which is why many small animals have learned to survive by  mimicking sourroundings, by adapting in color or/and shape. Which is, what Adam and Eve did when they started to fear God's presence. It had become a terror to them. But there is no hiding before the eye of God. Naked we all stand in front of him. Known and seen up into the deepest cell or fiber of body and mind.  Better to get right right away. God will be gracious and forgive. And give a new life out of the shadows. As fearsome as that may sound, it is worth the going. Much more, God is worth the going. Even if it kills. Especially when it kills. 

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