Saturday, February 11, 2012

Romans 8:35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?

I used to sit under a power pylon crossing the river when I was a teenager. It held big power wires that crossed the river at this point. It was a big river and I couldn't always see the other side in the dark. I looked up, and it the upmost wire there were big red balls to warn planes of danger. It semed very high above me. In the middle of the river was a bigger red ball than the others. I often dreamed I could climb up there and stand in the middle of that red ball, in the middle of nowhere, reach the sky with my hands.
I would dance with joy, for reaching the heaven seemed a source of endless joy. Life has brought days, when I forget my noble thoughts and plod along in daily routines. Then I look up to the sky and think of how my thoughts used to dance thinking about heaven. And I remember that God is never far. Never farther than my next breath, than my beating heart. And the joy comes back. Can all the toils and sorrow separate me from my God? No, because he is faithful and he will hold me, even when I am not looking. There is always a reason to dance. Because no danger and pain, no trouble or persecution can separate me from the love of Christ.

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