Sunday, August 12, 2012

Genesis 1:31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.

I made a man today. More the figure of a man. But it moves and turns and is quite amazing. And it made me completely happy to see it move and to be able to render thoses moves. And it made me think. This was made out of bits and bytes. With a figure out of the library.
God didn't need a library. Was he happy, not to say giddy, when man moved and spoke?  When he gave the animals a name? When God walked in the garden with him?
Is he very satisfied when he is watching those tiny creatures of his? Us.
We are fearfully and wonderfully made, the psalm says. And God saw it and it was very good. We are. Much more than my tiny creatures will ever be. We are very well made.
Lets put it to good use. Lets please make him not only happy, but proud.

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