Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Psalm 66:5 Come and see what God has done, his awesome deeds for mankind!

God has done awesome things for us. Giving us the breath and the air needed to breathe. He has given us the ability for pain too. In pain, sometimes it is easy to forget the awesomeness. In disaster many ask why? Why God. The only answer ever lies probably in awe, obedience and praise. Man fell for sin. God knew and he let it happen. Can it be blamed on him, if things go terribly wrong? Is it fair to trace back all misfortune to him without ever stopping to give thanks for the wonderful things? God is worth awe and adoration, he is terribly beautiful and majestic. Bow and pray for mercy, for freedom from the tyrannical and unjust self to be admitted to God's grace.

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