Me on an average day and mood. |
It has been at the back of my mind that I might start a blog. As I love writing that seems fair enough. More so I love writing on the amazing things happening, when someone (me) is seriously searching for God and won't let go without an answer. (Remember Jacob and his hip?)
My life is quite upside down, there is nothing better than to write about it. Phil 3:8 says: I count all things to be loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ.
That is an easy thing to say. But in everyday life not very comfortable. I have alawys been working quite hard, loved it, been quite skinny. Guess what: I lost it all.
Shay and the hole |
I am a tough cookie, I restart. But I am a pain to myself. Having a comparatively poor place, a mad dog, little money, no car places me in an awkward spot of life. Specially if the dog is eating part of the wall. It makes everything just a little bit more acute. (So sorry, I know the picture is quite bad, but it is my mobile. The camera got lost in London. I never quite figured whether I forgot it somewhere or whether it got stolen by that sinister individuum following me around, which made me forget it....)
So I decided to write it all. The glorious days and the bad nights, God's grace and my tears, wondering myself how much I'll get done.
Well, I got the beginning done. (Rejoice in the Lord, always. Phil 3:1)