For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son....
Most of us know that verse. If we know only one verse it may well be this. Pondering it in my mind while I listen to some christmas tune, this thought was coming up. Christmas, as happy as we celebrate it, wasn't a happy day. It wasn't happy for God, even though he did what he had decided to do to give us a chance. Yet. knowing all as he did, it cannot have been a happy decision to give his precious son for our salvation. Salvation of a band of disturbed children that wouldn't even value the gift given and not comprehend its immense beauty and intent.
It probably wasn't all too comfotable for Jesus either, being born into a hostile world, into poverty, into certain death. To leave a so much better place behind, even if only for a moment counted short in front of eternity.
I wouldn't enjoy leaving even my warm and comfortable little place for a stable, much less heaven. Just think! No, it is unthinkable.
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