Crowds are not really a sum of many persons. A crowd is more and less at the same time. Jesus often talked to "the crowd". He realized, that a crowd reacts to different things than a person does. A person, cpnfronted him, might shy away, but the crowd cried both, crown him king and crucify within a very short time span. It is very difficult or even maybe impossible to stand on what I know to be right the moment there is a crowd. for the crowd will follow its "bed" and stamp over everything that stands in its way. That is how huge rock-concerts generate enthusiasm or football or baseball games get cheering crowds.
A crowd is a dangerous place to be, if I don't agree with it. But if I secretely agree, it is the safest place to do, what I might long to do but dare not otherwise. Even following Jesus was a phenomenon of the crowd. Everybody went. So many may have gone without conviction. But it was, what everybody does. And that is hard to resist, be it for better or for worse.
Jesus didn't judge the crowd. he pitied them for he knew, they had no real chance to take a stand. Which is my point here. If you'd like to take a stand, get away from the crowd, the "chicken", who hack everybody into place, and find out what is right. Jesus went into the desert, he told his disciples to pray in a room, hidden from eyes, to be able to concentrate on the father. No matter how big or how good the crowd - many megachurches are crowds too, don't loose youself in it but take a stand for God. Alone. Whether the crowd is on your side or not.
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