God made this universe. We owe him our existence. But where is he? And if he cannot be seen, is he there? Invisible to the eye like the programmer is invisible to the game he created? Forever invisible from the inside, but the very existence proves his existence? Made a small video on that reflection: http://vimeo.com/user9087604/theprogrammer
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Isaiah 22:13 “Let us eat and drink,” you say, “for tomorrow we die!”
Many people search pleasures in kind of a desperate attempt at enjoying themselves. Often while being profoundly unhappy within. Sometimes I think all those forms of drug taking is there to appease the soul so that man will enjoy himself for a short time, be free of pain. (By the way: Who ever told has we have a right to a pain free life, as nice as that is? Not Jesus certainly.)Before the drug is loosing its effect and it all starts over. - Now I don't think, contrary to common thought, that drugs debilitate. Under drug influence, as long as it is not overpowering, somebody can work much harder, party much harder too, of course, but for a brief time that person will be, depending on the drug, funnier, smarter, wittier, alert, happy. Which makes somebody more successful. Which is why drugs are in such high standing, no matter what warning is issued against them. Cigarettes and alcohol are two very well known drugs and everybody knows horror pictures of abusive drinkers. But while drinking in society, these people are smarter, sometimes even kinder, for they forget all the bad stuff that is behind or upfront. - In Jesus times they partied as well, it included slaughter of many animals. Jesus didn't even reproach the partying. He gave something like 600 gallons of wine to a wedding party. He was reproached by the Pharisees as: Glutton and wine bibber. So Jesus gave a thumbs up to the party. Where there was a true reason to have one. This is my point: Where there is a true reason, the party is a very good thing to bring people together. But - even though in these times, as rich as we still are, every day may have a reason for a party - to overcome sadness or pain or sorrow was not the intention of a party. Being in a club, whether with older or younger people, what are they looking for? Entertainment? Diversion? From what? Boring rich lives? From their troubled soul, unable to know when it is happy? From the joy that has been robbed out of our lives? For who is happy here? Kind of all are searching for additional comfort, however at ease they may be financially. In Jesus can be found peace for the unhappy soul, but he may bring trouble to a comfortable life too. - The comfort of a cat, though I haven't found cats in the bible, may bring down to a certain reality. They are happy with nice food, clean water, a warm bed and clean litterbox, some caressing, but not too much. Why can not man be content? Why is he so greedy for more, more happiness, more money, more things, more friends, why cannot we be happy? It seems to be a curse of society. Of living outside of God's word. To be able to live with the pain of unfulfilled lives here opens the path to heaven. To embrace pain and sorrow as due, a result of any sin is very reasonable and strangely enough the way to true happiness.
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