Sunday, July 24, 2011

(Jesus said) Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. John 14:1

These are comforting words. I love being comforted. And they talk abput being troubled. There may be reasons for that too. Sp many that Jesus found it worth a special mention.
Do I believe enough to put up with whatever is on my way? To I trust God enough to go through whatever is the way he lays out in front of me? Be it happy, soft paths in grassy slopes or muddy lane in damp nights.

Even the mad dog must have thought so and enjoyed.... God is amazing...
Don't be troubled, whatever appears before you, but put all worries on Jesus. And enjoy the walk in crisp wood admiring the bright flowers on your way as on mine. It is moment like such that make me think: If this is earth, heaven must be a wonderful place beyond all words or pictures.

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