Sunday, January 29, 2012

1 Corinthians 13:4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

It is often difficult to love those that are closest. So much easier to give to some noble cause. But God asked Cain: Where is your brother? He held Cain accountable. Rightly so. For in envy Cain had killed Abel. He had thought himself allright and when God did not accept his offering and instead took Abels, Cains anger burned hot. What had Abel done to deserve God's favor? Scripture doesn't talk much about it. It says, that Abels heart was in his rightful place. Did Cain offer to God to be known as a good man? Did he despise his younger brother? Have they been children together, playing, talking, dreaming of great things to come? Nothing mattered any more when Cain took his brother out in the fields and slew him. 
It is a huge trap for any of us. Envy, pride, anger. God asks us to be humble, patient and kind. That's what his kingdom is all about. Not about ruling, but serving. Not in words, with a fanfare and pretty comments, but in quiet obedience. The greatest reward lies in this. Being able to be patient and kind, without boasting and envy and pride. That's where heaven begins, for me, in me, around me. Though Abel suffered, it is Cain who is to be pitied for he could not find peace in his heart. Which is the greatest good of all. The one thing worth to be live for, to be sought after, to be cherished and taught.

Luke 7:48 Then Jesus said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.”

Often we blame our leaders for doing the wrong thing. It is so easy to always blame somebody else if things don't go well. Too often refusing to tale responsability makes things worse and drops a person into deep depression on plus of a bad situation. Looking up to Jesus and taking responsabily can truly change things. Every thing else is just make-belief. Jesus can truly forgive where I fail. Where you fail. Even if it was initially not my or your fault. To stand up and ask Jesus for help and forgiveness for me or any other involved will free the mind. Will make able to go God's way. Finding peace inside. For it is all well with a soul that is truly forgiven. And I need that, never met anybody who doesn't at least have a small itsy bit to be forgiven for. That's as good as a shower after a sweaty day of work. Just - like somebody not used to showers will hesitate, so the one not used to grace may hesitate. Please, all you, take courage. This is the best news ever. It is not that Jesus doesn't care. he cares a lot. But he still forgives. All those that come to him. Have you? Will you? It is such a comfort.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Psalm 112:4 Even in darkness light dawns for the upright.

To whom light is dawning? To the upright. To the one who is compassionate, gracious, righteous. God will be there. If I am on the right side of life. If my longing is for righteousness and compassion and kindness and grace - in me. Too often longing for these qualities in somebody else is a downward spiral. "If only my friend, hubby, girlfriend, mother, son, grandma, pastor, teacher, president.... you name it, would be a little kinder, more compassionate... than I would.... the list is long. Too long. For it if I have to wait for somebody else to go to heaven before I will, I never may. If I am waiting for somebody to make room and go God's way, that may never happen and I am stuck. Often that is, what depression is. Stuck in darkness. But often in my darkness, where I refuse to admit my wrong, ask for forgiveness or confess my wrongs. It may be a hard way in the midst of disastrous situations to stand up and say: I stand on the word of God. But it is the safest way. The brightest way. The way where God's light can shine into darkness. Don't wait. Be compassionate, kind, righteous, gracious. And see if God will not give the light we are craving for.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Rom 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him. -

God is stranger than the stranges fantasy can paint. And yet, he loves me. He cares for me. Whatever happens, all things will work for the good of the ones God loves. As little as I may unerstand purpose and goal, as little as I am able to understand the one who knows every one of those billions of people by their name but also the animals and stars, from the smallest to the biggest. As alien as his kingdom may seem, as alien as I am within the holy borders od the promised land, as sure God will give us what we all long for. A Happy END.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Psalm 4:8 In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, LORD, make me dwell in safety.

The Lord protects those whom he knows. Even in sorrow and pain he cares and guides his children the safest way home, often the only way he can get the stubborn heart home. The heart that tries to tear away with so many promises, that will remain unfulfilled. Only heaven will make all dreams come true. Only God can show the way.
Even when sleeping in peace, he will keep watch. There are many dangers. Trusting in God's provision is the only safe passage through space and time.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Exodus 4:1 Moses answered, “What if they do not believe me or listen to me and say, ‘The LORD did not appear to you’?”

Has God ever appeared to you? Spoken to you? Been so close that the hair on your arm stood? Have you ever stood before God and felt his presence, his anger or his joy? And have you tried to tell somebody? Have you been sure it was God's voice who told you? There are many voices, many beings, many worlds between this and the next. Have you ever reached out to those worlds, only to be a fool in the worlds eye? Moses felt like a fool when God appeared to him and told him to go to Egypt. It seemed the least wise thing to do. But God spoke through Moses and did many powerful signs. Which made many believe, finally.รถ It is God's gift to let the message we bear find grace. Still, we are to carry it. No matter how foolish it seems in the eyes of an often unbelieving world. Trust God. He can still do signs and wonders and make a voive heard, a voice that is willing to speak out for him and to risk being laughed at for showing his biggest treasure. Don't fear. Trust God. Even if it looks silly or mad. Or because it looks silly and mad.