Sunday, January 29, 2012

Luke 7:48 Then Jesus said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.”

Often we blame our leaders for doing the wrong thing. It is so easy to always blame somebody else if things don't go well. Too often refusing to tale responsability makes things worse and drops a person into deep depression on plus of a bad situation. Looking up to Jesus and taking responsabily can truly change things. Every thing else is just make-belief. Jesus can truly forgive where I fail. Where you fail. Even if it was initially not my or your fault. To stand up and ask Jesus for help and forgiveness for me or any other involved will free the mind. Will make able to go God's way. Finding peace inside. For it is all well with a soul that is truly forgiven. And I need that, never met anybody who doesn't at least have a small itsy bit to be forgiven for. That's as good as a shower after a sweaty day of work. Just - like somebody not used to showers will hesitate, so the one not used to grace may hesitate. Please, all you, take courage. This is the best news ever. It is not that Jesus doesn't care. he cares a lot. But he still forgives. All those that come to him. Have you? Will you? It is such a comfort.

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