Thursday, October 24, 2013

1 Peter 3:4 ... the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit ...

What worth has a gentle and quiet spirit in todays world? I don't need to answer that, do I? It may even lead to parents wondering what is wrong with their daughter, more so with a son, if they show a gentle and quiet spirit. Being introvert is not really an option in todays society. The verse goes on saying: 1 Peter3:4 is of great worth in God’s sight. Speaking of godly women, here. Now, a gentle and quiet spirit has one big advantage over any other spirit. It can rejoice in beauty. It can see beauty in his surroundings and enjoy it. Nothing as bad as beauty wasted on a constantly bickering spirit. Sure, everybody can name a couple of these people and sometimes it is I responsible for the bickering. Being able to grasp the beauty around needs a calm spirit who is able to direct its attention towards the other, not towards the self. Seeing the beauty in somebody or something is of great value. It is of such great value, that it is part of the true riches someone can find. What good is a comfortable car, if all that is in there is miserable time? Of course it is still a nice thing to be had. But without the spirit to enjoy it, the best car will fall short at some point. 1 Timothy 6:6 But godliness with contentment is great gain. Being content, without being lazy, but knowing that the life is in God's hand and be content with what he bestows is priceless. Proverbs 3:13-14 Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. Wisdom will yield a better return. But it will probably not be in silver or in gold, and it may not come very quickly. Life will be brighter and happier. Which is kind of forbidden in this society. To be content without a certain material status achieved is nearly punishable. Not yet punishable by law, but by many people around. Still, wisdom will bring a much richer life than anything else. The joy of seeing things God's ways. With a gentle and quiet spirit, finding acceptance before God. Which is in any case to be preferred to anything else. Just try....

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