God made this universe. We owe him our existence. But where is he? And if he cannot be seen, is he there? Invisible to the eye like the programmer is invisible to the game he created? Forever invisible from the inside, but the very existence proves his existence? Made a small video on that reflection: http://vimeo.com/user9087604/theprogrammer
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Psalm 118:14 The Lord is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation.
I miss the Christmas songs. Around here they don't play Christmas songs any more. It is very sad, especially as this is a country that has seen the birth of some of the most famous Christmas songs ever. It is as if they had never been. Maybe they are not politically correct anymore. Maybe many of the strangers living here, me among them, might feel offended. As believers we have become so understanding, that we don't even say anymore what we believe to be true. It is indecent, naughty, rude, nearly obscene to believe in Jesus. And it seems stupid. Hasn't science shown, that there is no God in the heavens above? It hasn't, even though many believe it has. So why is it, that many think Jesus is a bit like Santa or the Easter rabbit? Is it maybe my fault? Is it because I still sing songs to the Lord that are nearly 200 years old? Is it because somehow, on the way through the ages, Christmas has lost its magic even or especially for believers? Between turkey and presents, church and family, has the power of God been forgotten? Have I lost it like a hat or a glove? Is keeping up the tradition for a God, who broke every tradition and died for it, so important? Please, sing a new song to the Lord. A song that is relevant to the world today.
Monday, December 23, 2013
Merry and magical Christmas
Wishing everybody a wonderful and magical Christmas time. God's light is in this world. Being able to see it is a great gift. And a reason to rejoice. Having this wonderful God for a friend is a gift. Sometimes I wonder, whether his being here with me, knowing he cares, feeling his presence throughout the day is the greatest blessing of all. Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve to be saved, I got so much here already. Do you realize how lucky you are? There are so many reasons to rejoice. The possibility to live in harmony with the Creator of the universe is making life an awesome and very precious gift.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Psalm 147:4 He counts the number of the stars; He gives names to all of them.
Just saw a couple of pictures of the heavens above on the internet. NASA pictures and such, of far away galaxies and stars being born so far away, that they may be old by the time I write this. Just the milky way, our own good old galaxy, is something like 100.000 light years from one side to another, though "only" 1.000 light years thick. Light travels 186,282.4 miles per second, making 671 million miles per hour. Figure a light year from there or google it (as I did). Looking at those pictures, thinking about those dimensions kind of shreds the human spirit, for it cannot imagine such a size. The human spirit cannot as well imagine a god that is big enough to know all the stars by name and to have counted them. The milky way seems to have something like 200 billion of that. And there are at least as many galaxies. And planets. Men cannot grasp such greatness. It cannot figure a god who may be Lord over all of this and still bows down to earth and look at you and me. To come into this place and lead a fairly miserable life (materially spoken) is unimaginable, cannot be grasped. And still, this is our God, the God who came in the form of a baby boy to this earth. This baby boy is Lord over all the stars and all the living things on them. To know this about God can shatter a mind or it can bring a man to his knees humbly admitting how wrong he is and always will be before such power and glory. God is mind-blowingly wonderful and worthy of praise.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Proverbs 28:5 Evildoers do not understand what is right, but those who seek the Lord understand it fully.
Does life sometimes seem to be blurred? Without knowing which way to go? That happens. But God will give just enough light for the next step. Psalm 119:10 Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Often life seems blurred, because of trying to look too far into the future. Of controlling what tomorrow will bring. God says not to do so, but to trust him with today, he will take care of tomorrow. Matthew 6:34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. It is so easy to get caught up in the worries of life. Even Christmas can cause a lot of stress. Just because we care. Who will come? What gifts? What to cook? How to decorate? How to pay? The list is nearly as endless as the needs or wants are. Nobody can fill it all to perfection. It there time for prayer left? Time to talk? Want to talk? Gladness about togetherness? Fear to disappoint? Fear to be disappointed? Everybody is so fragile emotionally around this time of the year. And the lines get blurred. Please trust God to take care. Even if this sounds ludicrous right now, for of course he will not peel potatoes or bring a turkey home or write a letter and buy gifts. He has our hands to do it. Guided by his Spirit.So that all can enjoy this season and the light of God.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Psalm 51:7 Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.
Remembering winter vacation in very snowy mountains is always a joy. Loved the morning, when fresh snow had fallen and the world was blue and white. Freshly fallen snow has this whiteness that nearly blinds the eyes but refreshes the soul. It is something so pure and clean, that I never wanted to be the first to step onto it. As if I polluted something of immeasurable worth. Once such a field of snow has been stepped upon, there is no turning back. It is spoiled for ever. (Or until next snowfall, of course.) But its purity is lost for the moment. It always pained me to see others with much joy spoil the sight by running into it. It feels like a forgiven soul turning back to sin. Once the purity is lost, the same purity will never be regained. Every sin is like a big splash of dirt on the snow-white field of a pure soul. Psalm 51:10 Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. The longing for purity is like the longing for clean water. It comes from deep within. Many know about this longing. This innocence, this purity has been sought after by many wise men and they could not find it. For it is God's to give. Jesus gave this purity a great reward. Matthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. This is what freshly fallen snow reminds me of. This is my prayer. For purity, once tasted, it like a well of fresh water on a hot and dry day. The longing for something pure and clean is part of humanity. Jesus is the purest being that ever lived. He can and will give to those who ask.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Prov. 13:20 Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.
The biggest attribute by which to choose a companion is wisdom. It is not beauty or coolness, cash or phone or car. God's wisdom is the best friend a person can ever have. Prov. 4:7 The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. May that companion look as disgusting as a mouse or a rat, it is the heart that counts. Wisdom can keep somebody safe and protect those who cling to her. Though Paul warns of worldly wisdom, he writes: 1 Cor. 1:24 ...Christ (is) the power of God and the wisdom of God. Whatever wisdom may look like, searching for her and meditating day and night brings greater happiness than much material possession. Psalm 1:1 Blessed is the one ...3 whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. Those who do so are truly blessed and they know it. They become springs of wisdom who have enough to share with others. Which in itself is a great joy, for the joy of giving outlasts the joy of receiving.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Ex. 32:26 “Whoever is for the Lord, come to me.”
Moses said that. The children of Israel had made a golden calf while Moses was on the mountain to talk to the Lord. In Israels most holy moment those who would have been blessed for all eternity got kind of bored. They didn't know where Moses was and Aaron didn't have the guts to keep people in line. He collected their gold and made them a golden calf. They wanted to be like everybody else, they wanted a god to be seen. They made a big fire and worshipped the god their hands had made. There was lots of dancing and probably quite a bit of immoral behavior going on, by the time Moses came back to the camp. People wanted a visible god, a god they would consider fun. Like everybody else had. Moses called everybody who had not participated in the "fun" to him. God sent a plague to the camp and most of the offenders died. And God didn't go with the children of Israel anymore. He kept at distance, lost in his anger he might destroy them. This is kind of my point. Entertainment is in every place. It is in many places, actually most places, including churches. How far does this need for entertainment go? Are there even people believing in God for entertainment? Are the disasters of this world becoming a new form of entertainment? God was very angry and destroyed most of his own people. The other nations laughed at God's children because they fell into such temptation. Is the need for entertainment a temptation? Are the believers of today still willing to go all the way, if needs be go to the cross, for the sake of faith? Will God one day say: "Whoever is for the Lord, come to me? will I be on the right side? Will you?
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Isaiah 25:4 You have been a refuge for the poor, a refuge for the needy in their distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat.
God is a shelter in the storm of life. Jesus has promised this again and again. Sometimes live seems to be made of storms and riddles, heat and madness. Jesus will save out of these deep waters. He will rescue the soul. In him there is much room to say: It is well with my soul. That is a wonderful feeling, to know it is well with the soul and all storms of life will not be able to destroy. - For there are terrible storms. Like the one that hit the Phillipines this week. So much destruction. So many dead. God has let it happen. Psalm 83:15 ...so pursue them with your tempest and terrify them with your storm. This verse even says that God sends storms. Some have come to doubt God in the midst of so much pain and sorrow. Many have asked why. These whirlwinds are nothing compared to the storms of the soul, to the raging hatred that fills man under his civilized appearance, under his fear of punishment. And man deserves much worse for this. Romans 7:7 Nevertheless, I would not have known what sin was had it not been for the law. For I would not have known what coveting really was if the law had not said, “You shall not covet.” It is through knowing what is right that knowing how wrong a man can be awakens. Jesus taught that the greatest commandment is to love. To love God and the neighbor. But who truly loves a God who sends destruction? Who loves the raging storms, of the soul or of the winds? God may send a storm and he may allow destruction. But it is the heart of man that is destructive and only in God can it find peace and relief from its own evil. To doubt God in the midst of the storm is barking up the wrong tree. But to those who are able to repent, God will be shelter in the storm, in all storms. Proverbs 18:10 The name of the Lord is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.
Friday, November 1, 2013
Matthew 11:20 Then Jesus began to denounce the towns in which most of his miracles had been performed, because they did not repent.
As much as I know, half the population of this earth lives in town. The promise of an easier life, of material wealth, of ease has drawn countless people into towns. To some, these dreams have come true. To others, they have found ruin beyond their wildest nightmare. Towns are great places. Full of possibilities, yet full of dangers. Many towns have forsaken God, which is why many believers distrust the town and stay outside of it. There are many temptations in town, that is true. And sometimes it is wiser to avoid being tempted. Sometimes, in town, it is harder to stand up for God. Since there are so many who do not believe. But it is easier to find shelter in persecution. The mass of the town, the dense population is a protection too. Where the neighbor lives close enough to know all that is going on, less abusive things may be going on.
Amos 4:8 People staggered from town to town for water but did not get enough to drink, yet you have not returned to me,” declares the Lord. In these days of little faith, many, believers and unbelievers, travel from town to town to find something to quench this thirst, that seems to burn the lungs and the heart. To find living water. Some don't know what they need but pain drives them on. Many, in other countries, end in poverty and shame. Too poor and too ashamed to dare go back. Some refugees here in Europe face similar trouble. At home, many may think they made it the moment they reach Europe. This, as everybody knows, is not so. They may have escaped danger, but as long as they cannot prove it, there is no room for them in already crowded places. They cannot go back and they cannot go on. They have seen a light from afar, but it was a treacherous light. They have no way into society here and no way back home. This dilemma is real for many believers as well. Caught between the promises of God, the desire for heaven and the misery of this life, they cannot live and they cannot die, living a life full of regrets and hidden bitterness. Thsi should not be.
Jesus said: “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Mt 5:14 He expected his friends to thrive in circumstances that would kill anybody else. To become like towns of refuge and shelter for those thirsting for righteousness. This is, where the thought loops. For will we be like the towns full of light or like the towns Jesus cursed, having seen God's grace and yet not repenting? It is a high calling and a great responsibility towards a suffocating world.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Isaiah 33:17 Your eyes will see the king in his beauty and view a land that stretches afar.
Sometimes, when I am down and feel like the whole world stands against me, this kind of verse helps me. Specially this most famous part helps a lot. It is also a reminder, that defines beauty differently from what man considers beautiful. To put those words into my life is relief and challenge at the same time. It shows the true beauty, the beauty "underneath". Often beauty in this world fades quickly away or fades when watched very closely. But the kind of beauty God prefers blossoms hidden and will only be discovered through a close up. Sometimes it is never seen. That hurts, it hurts when people say mean things, more so when they are not true. To trust, that God knows the heart and its reasons is sometimes so far away, when somebody longs for a kind word. But it is God who will give rewards, much more then any kind word can be, even though in a time of need this is easily forgotten. But take good heart. God does not forget us. may his ways be very different, he will not let his child carry more than it can bear, but with the challenge he will give tools to stand firm.
Mt 5: Jesus said:
3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4 Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
5 Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.
6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
7 Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
8 Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.
9 Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God.
10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
11 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.
12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
1 Peter 3:4 ... the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit ...
What worth has a gentle and quiet spirit in todays world? I don't need to answer that, do I? It may even lead to parents wondering what is wrong with their daughter, more so with a son, if they show a gentle and quiet spirit. Being introvert is not really an option in todays society. The verse goes on saying: 1 Peter3:4 ...it is of great worth in God’s sight. Speaking of godly women, here.
Now, a gentle and quiet spirit has one big advantage over any other spirit. It can rejoice in beauty. It can see beauty in his surroundings and enjoy it. Nothing as bad as beauty wasted on a constantly bickering spirit. Sure, everybody can name a couple of these people and sometimes it is I responsible for the bickering.
Being able to grasp the beauty around needs a calm spirit who is able to direct its attention towards the other, not towards the self. Seeing the beauty in somebody or something is of great value. It is of such great value, that it is part of the true riches someone can find. What good is a comfortable car, if all that is in there is miserable time? Of course it is still a nice thing to be had. But without the spirit to enjoy it, the best car will fall short at some point. 1 Timothy 6:6 But godliness with contentment is great gain. Being content, without being lazy, but knowing that the life is in God's hand and be content with what he bestows is priceless. Proverbs 3:13-14 Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. Wisdom will yield a better return. But it will probably not be in silver or in gold, and it may not come very quickly. Life will be brighter and happier. Which is kind of forbidden in this society. To be content without a certain material status achieved is nearly punishable. Not yet punishable by law, but by many people around. Still, wisdom will bring a much richer life than anything else. The joy of seeing things God's ways. With a gentle and quiet spirit, finding acceptance before God. Which is in any case to be preferred to anything else. Just try....
Sunday, October 20, 2013
1 John 4:19 We love because he first loved us.
Those last days I have realized, that sometimes, to please people I overstepped God's word. To protect somebody I lied. To be accepted, I stole chocolate (long ago), to be loved I had a boyfriend ( long ago, too.) I didn't know God as I do know. Though only he knows many mistakes I am still making. I thought, I did these things out of love for those around me. God's word says that love is only love if it is molded after God's love. Of course, I would love to blame it on peer-pressure. And mostly, I had no joy coming out of it, which is a really bad part in it. This now is my point. I did these things to please and protect and be accepted. But they brought me no joy. On the contrary, I feel even today ashamed about it, so many years after the events. Knowing, that under heavy pressure I might fail Jesus again.
But he loves me. Paitently, like making friends with this cat or with a dog or a horse, he loves me and teaches me to be loved. This is no easy part, to let love form and transform me. Romans 12:9 Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. This verse says, love is seen in action. It cannot remain hidden for long. Actions will tell the tale. If there is love, it will show in what is done.
Though I may have been searching for God even in those days, I didn't love him, for my actions were evil. I harmed those I tried to protect, probably. I didn't stand up for what I knew was right. God's word is right. To mould the life after God's word is to love him. 1 Peter 4:8 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. His love has covered my sins. Now, I am called to love. Like you all, like everybody else. There is no true love outside of God. Motives may vary, but man is in himself unable to love and do a truly good thing outside of God's grace. So, please, let yourselves be loved by God and love one another with a holy love. Ephesians 5:1 Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Habakkuk 3:4 His splendor was like the sunrise;
Habakuk writes, that God's splendor was like the sunrise. That power came like the sun's rays from his hands. Now, the first part sounds very pretty and beautiful. We have a God full of splendor and majesty. Habakuk 3:3 His glory covered the heavens and his praise filled the earth. 4 His splendor was like the sunrise; rays flashed from his hand, where his power was hidden. 5 Plague went before him; pestilence followed his steps. This is the day of the Lord, when he will avenge his children. His radiance, like sun in a desert, will scorch those, who have not found refuge in him. This is Old Testament saying, of course. And I wouldn't want anybody to experience God's wrath. But this speaks about the power of God. Power that is often forgotten, when helplessly his children raise their hands to the skies in half unbelief that he will hear or help. God's power is greater than the sun's power, but this image may help to understand what happens, when somebody enters God's presence unprotected. This is why nobody can see God and live, without the protection Jesus gives. God cannot be other. Like the sun in the desert at noon, he will scorch all that is. This is a reminder of his power, of his might, of being wise enough to take refuge on time. Before the high noon hits. It will hit. Sooner or later. And it is marvellous to serve such a God. Splendor and glory accompany him. He deserves full service. Nothing less will do. There is a song that says, though in completely different context: "But if you've got no other choice, you know you can follow my voice....". (from: Wicked Little Town) Sometimes it needs this "no other choice", it needs the knowledge, that the sun will be burning all living things at noon, to get up and go to God. Sometimes it is his Grace that brings this point about, to bring home his beloved. Habakuk writes about those in verse 3:19 The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights. Are you wise enough to be safe?
Friday, October 11, 2013
Romans 8:35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?
What happens, if someone drowns and the only one noticing cannot help? And the one would might be able to help soars high above and doesn't notice anything wrong? How does somebody handle persecution, sorrow, pain? - Can it separate a true believer from the love of God? It can and it cannot. Another paradox. For, many believers stumble, when temptations, sorrow, grief, poverty, sickness, persecution or loneliness come their way. Even Jesus felt forsaken in his darkest hour. Was he separated from God? No, he wasn't. Did he know? No. Did it help him out of the pit? No. What use then has this love of God? What will it do, if the waters are getting higher, if some storm is brewing? God will never forsake his loved ones. But they may not know it. Nothing may happen to solve a difficult solution. And - guess what, we deserve all the bad. Deserve much worse. While wining and complaining, awareness gets lost that man deserves the bad stuff. It is the good stuff that is undeserved grace. Health, ease, friendship and more, they are undeserved goodies. To be able to find God, they may have to go. By accepting that God has every right to do as he pleases, the believer learns to know he will never be separated from God. By faith, not by knowledge or by sight. Romans 9:21 Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for special purposes and some for common use? Trusting God may not take someone where he wants to be, but it will take him where God wants him to be. Even if it is drowning - or a cross.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Luke 6:39 “Can the blind lead the blind? Will they not both fall into a pit?
Can a blind man lead a blind man? Can I help somebody, when I am deeply in trouble? Amazingly enough, sometimes the question is yes. Even though a blind man cannot lead a blind man to destination, a lame and a blind can help each other. So, I cannot help, where I need help, But I can give help in many other ways. Being clear about my own failures will be a first step towards knowing where this I can help. Or where it needs help, since we all need help in some part of the being. Matthew 15:31 The people were amazed when they saw the mute speaking, the crippled made well, the lame walking and the blind seeing. This is the wonderful thing with Jesus. He gives what a person needs. He gave sight to the blind and made the lame walk straight. God can do that. He can give, what a person truly needs. This may not always be the expected or dreamed of goal. It may be joy or friendship or health or work or patience. What HE considers the biggest need. The thing someone is apt to receive. God is good. Very good. Amazingly and dazzlingly good. But some may remember the old story of the ass and the dog. The ass gave with all his love his hay to the dog. The dog loves his friend so much, that he gave all his best meat and bones to him. With all the love they shared, they were not very happy, for their needs were not met. 8And eventually they will starve to death both if nobody interferes. Not so God. he gives what is needed. Needed for education, needed for growth, needed for holiness. In God, someone may go hungry, but his soul will live. He is the one who sees. He sees all need and he is the one to lead the blind home.
Friday, October 4, 2013
Job 31:26 if I have regarded the sun in its radiance or the moon moving in splendor,...
In Italy, Europe, people face a great dilemma. There is a small island, close to Africa but still Italy. Many refugees from Africa try to reach this island to apply for asylum in Italy. Just the other day a boat with 500 refugees went up in flames and at least 150 of the refugees burnt or drowned, for they were still on the water. Many have gone to help and find the survivors. But the situation in itself poses a problem for Italy, for these are illegal immigrants, of course, trying to take advantage of a fairly generous system of help for those in need that is in place in Europe. Many of these refugees come from disastrous political situations and deserve help. Yet Italy, that had a lot of trouble with its own financial situation, cannot help all. And Europe starts to be full of refugees. Most come for legit reasons, some do not. Especially the boats from Africa have been said to be sent by merchants, people buy their places with lots of money, moreover, sometimes more radical people enter Europe that way, as it is supposed to lead relatively surely to be accepted as a refugee. - Like my girl in that picture, I enjoy it when the sun slowly disappears into the sea. It is a very beautiful sight. The shimmering water, the colors of the sun, so much splendor and beauty, before the moon throws a silvery coolness onto that same scenery. I was lucky enough to be in Italy when I was much younger and I loved those hours. But if you are in danger, like those on the boat, or somebody you love, I love, is in danger, all beauty seems to disappear into one moment of black despair. Yet, is the sunset less beautiful? It is in the eye of the onlooker that beauty lies. Of his feeling towards the scenery. Where I go home to a comfy place, this is a very pretty sight. Where a night on endless waters with no supplies is coming up, this may not matter much. - Beauty often lies in the situation, in the well-being of those, watching it. - But, to wrap up a thought, is my need making God less majestic? Is his splendor overshadowed by my grief? Not so. A believer can often feel his glory even in the midst of severe pain (even so Jesus felt completely forlorn at the cross) and when we are with God it will all end in bliss and beauty. This still leaves the question open about what to do with so many exploited and distraught refugees.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
“Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. Matthew 5:11-12
Have you ever been glad for trouble coming your way? Especially if it were a friend or family member who'd go and say mean things about you? Always considering things are not true, how does it feel if a mother, daughter, brother calls the boss to tell him a lot of bad stuff about his employée? How awkward for the boss, even if he knows it to not be true. To have someone slaughter the good reputation so hardly worked for is not funny. It is not a joke either to heap a lot of gossip or bad stuff on somebody's back. 2 Corinthians 12:20 For I am afraid that when I come I may not find you as I want you to be, and you may not find me as you want me to be. I fear that there may be discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, slander, gossip, arrogance and disorder. Paul writes here that slander and gossip are two different things, but both are listed on the very bad side of manners, if the goal is to please God. Words, as has been often stated, have a great power, they can build and they can tear down. And though at times it may be necessary to rebuke somebody, to slander his reputation is never necessary, even more so if it is not true. In these days of social media, where a lot is known about people with or without their consent, no need to add to that by telling lies. Remember always, God is watching. - On the other hand, we have said so many untrue and hurtful things about God, that it is hardly astonishing this should happen to his servants as well. So beware, on whatever side you are standing. May God protect and guide all the words spoken. May they be few and fruitful.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Isaiah 22:13 “Let us eat and drink,” you say, “for tomorrow we die!”
Many people search pleasures in kind of a desperate attempt at enjoying themselves. Often while being profoundly unhappy within. Sometimes I think all those forms of drug taking is there to appease the soul so that man will enjoy himself for a short time, be free of pain. (By the way: Who ever told has we have a right to a pain free life, as nice as that is? Not Jesus certainly.)Before the drug is loosing its effect and it all starts over. - Now I don't think, contrary to common thought, that drugs debilitate. Under drug influence, as long as it is not overpowering, somebody can work much harder, party much harder too, of course, but for a brief time that person will be, depending on the drug, funnier, smarter, wittier, alert, happy. Which makes somebody more successful. Which is why drugs are in such high standing, no matter what warning is issued against them. Cigarettes and alcohol are two very well known drugs and everybody knows horror pictures of abusive drinkers. But while drinking in society, these people are smarter, sometimes even kinder, for they forget all the bad stuff that is behind or upfront. - In Jesus times they partied as well, it included slaughter of many animals. Jesus didn't even reproach the partying. He gave something like 600 gallons of wine to a wedding party. He was reproached by the Pharisees as: Glutton and wine bibber. So Jesus gave a thumbs up to the party. Where there was a true reason to have one. This is my point: Where there is a true reason, the party is a very good thing to bring people together. But - even though in these times, as rich as we still are, every day may have a reason for a party - to overcome sadness or pain or sorrow was not the intention of a party. Being in a club, whether with older or younger people, what are they looking for? Entertainment? Diversion? From what? Boring rich lives? From their troubled soul, unable to know when it is happy? From the joy that has been robbed out of our lives? For who is happy here? Kind of all are searching for additional comfort, however at ease they may be financially. In Jesus can be found peace for the unhappy soul, but he may bring trouble to a comfortable life too. - The comfort of a cat, though I haven't found cats in the bible, may bring down to a certain reality. They are happy with nice food, clean water, a warm bed and clean litterbox, some caressing, but not too much. Why can not man be content? Why is he so greedy for more, more happiness, more money, more things, more friends, why cannot we be happy? It seems to be a curse of society. Of living outside of God's word. To be able to live with the pain of unfulfilled lives here opens the path to heaven. To embrace pain and sorrow as due, a result of any sin is very reasonable and strangely enough the way to true happiness.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Luke 5:16 But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.
Have you lately felt lonely? Abandoned? Crying to God for answers? Psalm 25:16 Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted. As David did in this verse of Psalms? Loneliness can be both, a blessing or a curse. Luke writes that: Jesus withdrew to find peace and to pray. Mark 6:46 After leaving them, he went up on a mountainside to pray. So Jesus withdrew from the demands put on him to find time for contact with God. Often demands pressure modern man. Though he supposedly has more "free" time than his forefathers, quiet time is rare. Maybe because the opposite effect is it a little feared. For in quiet all unsolved problems seem to raise their ugly heads claiming to be solved immediately. But many things cannot be solved, at least not in this world. Man lives with that tension . Between the utter despair, the cries of loneliness and the blessed silence of withdrawal and the quiet time of reflection. Some think solitude is boring, to some it is frightening, to others a blessing. Some of that new "solitude of big towns" that has been claimed, may be a blessing with nobody looking to ease that loneliness, while others even in smaller towns nearly die out of lack of companionship. Whatever your stand towards a time alone, at some time or other it seems to come to everybody and it is a great good, if man is able to enjoy his own company. It will very probably be required of all. Sooner or later. And even Jesus felt lonely when he cried at the cross: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Mt. 27:46
Friday, September 20, 2013
Today I will comment on something that happened a couple of days ago, maybe even yesterday. A lady died while biking. She was a very rich and quite famous lady, working with amazon.com in its start-up days. I love amazon, I have published my books and my music there and I think it is great they are there. But here is the hick. They don't seem to be paying their workers a lot. This lady happens to have been responsible for finances. How come she dies dirt rich where the workers are scraping? She made a difference to many lives, did she make a difference to those who worked for her? - When I was a kid I admired the genius, the rebellious. I thought - wow - these guys know that things should be different in life. And then these famous, different, rebellious people go home, beating their wives, scolding their children, cheating, not paying fair wages, watching and producing porn and much more. This is not written to condemn. It is written to say they are a lot like anybody else. - I found out, little by little, that they are neither different, nor wiser. They numb the pain through drugs and alcohol and pills and haven't found any answer to what bugs all people. - But life should be different. Even after knowing about quants and quarks, light-years and dimensions, after reading Schrödinger or look at Picassos paintings, we should know that something isn't right. That life should reflect it. There are too many, who, after wonderfully challenging speeches go home and beat their children. Or mistreat their aging parents. - There is a difference. But it is hard to find. It is in Jesus. Sometimes it seems, all that this could be for humanity has been forgotten. If it was ever known. Would a God, who chose the well known and too often clicheed crib, a dirty place full of bugs and fleas and bad smells as birth place for a special child by a single, virgin mother. That should tell mankind something. That there has to be a difference. Life has to be different, where God is the center of it. Have you found the difference? I please myself in thinking I have grasped its hem..... still a long way to go..... to heaven, which will be a very different place. Are you ready?
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Psalm 9:18 But God will never forget the needy; the hope of the afflicted will never perish.
This verse is part of the psalms, thought to have been written by the great king David in his need. Looking at Davids live some of his great flaws jump to the eye. Yet he is God's greatest hero in the old testament. He is God's most faithful servant throughout the Old Testament. He died in peace in Jerusalem, a revered king. - The old Testament has often given promises of protection and hope after hard times. But many prophets have died horrible deaths, with no fault of their own. And we, often eager for comfort, look up to those who have gone before to believe all will be well. - In the New Testament we are taught otherwise: Luke 11:49‘I will send them prophets and apostles, some of whom they will kill and others they will persecute.’ With a God who suffered a terrible fate considering earthly conditions, we have no right to believe that in this world all shall end well. But Luke even writes more: Luke 6:23 “Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, because great is your reward in heaven. For that is how their ancestors treated the prophets. Man is told to rejoice if this world is cruel to him. The true reward will not follow in this world but God's kingdom. Some of his riches are already with those who are faithful. If being an obedient servant this service brings a rich harvest. Isaiah 32:17 The fruit of that righteousness will be peace; its effect will be quietness and confidence forever. So, the reward will be in peace and joy and assurance. We, as emotionally involved people, pray so often for health, wealth, work, lack of sorrow or pain. Some have promised those as a sign of God's favor. But Jesus example says not so. John 12:24 Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. Jesus died for us to be saved. We are to be like him as the ultimate goal of life. - I am writing this to keep many from being disappointed with God or with Christianity. They think, if they lead godly lives all problems will disappear. That is not what scripture teaches. The true reward cannot be found in this world, though having work and a nice family are nice things, of course. But this expectancy, the pressure to perform perfectly does at all not conform to scripture. One of the biggest difficulties of the christian life is the pressure from both, believers and non-believers to conform to a certain pattern. Take comfort. God, the completely other, does not expect us to perform. He expects his children to trust. To hope in a new dawn. To love him. This is our hope and the light that shines in the darkness. As David was not without fault and yet the greatest king of all, so we are measured by the faith we have and follow, not by performing according to the pressure of others. Man, even in his best, will never be sinless and never deserve God's grace. Mark 11:22 “Have faith in God,” Jesus answered.
king david,
Monday, September 9, 2013
They say, ‘Our bones are dried up and our hope is gone; we are cut off.’ Ez. 37:11
Sad words Ezechiel wrote. Have you ever felt that way? All dried up? Without hope or future? When everything seems to go very wrong? Rom 5:3 Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. When all hope seems to fail, what is Paul saying? He says that lasting hope is product of suffering. Shortly put. So Paul said he gloried in his sufferings for through them God builds character and in the end hope. Romans 12:12
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. So be patient in affliction and trust the hand of the potter.
- Often, when I have pain, I am searching some fault within me, something hidden in me, that produces this suffering. Paul does not say so. He says: If the suffering is undeserved, glory in it and trust God. His Spirit is the only hope that will not fail.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Gen. 40:7 So he asked..., “Why do you look so sad today?”
Why do you look so sad? Joseph asked this the two officials who were with him in the prison. They had had dreams and Joseph interpreted them, one was for relief, the other for great distress. They came true. So only one man of the two had a reason to be sad. But the dreams had been troubling them, as much as later they troubled Pharao. The one who should have been sad was Joseph. He was in prison for 20 years. No trial, completely innocent. No lawyer, no one to help. He could have given up on life. Sold by his brothers into slavery, put into a dungeon by an unjust master. Can life be any blacker? And yet it is this Joseph who offers advice. He worries for others. And - even though much later, having done so brings back his freedom.
- Have you ever been blue? Felt treated unjustly? Been treated unjustly? Have you ever wondered: "Why me, Lord? Why is all this happening to me?" I often have. Until I found some answer in scripture. For the sins we committed, be they as insignificant as may be, we deserve much worse. And hell will be much worse than anything you - or I - would even want to imagine. If God allows our suffering here, as bad as it may be, and as sad as it may get, he is never giving us what we truly deserve. Instead, he has opened a door of grace and a door of honor. The honor to suffer for his name's sake. Please, don't let anyone take this away from you. Instead, turn and help somebody else. It truly helps to do so. It eases pain to ease somebody's pain. To agree with God will bring peace to the soul. Ecclesiastes 7:3 Frustration is better than laughter, because a sad face is good for the heart.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
John 16:33 “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Having made a couple of pictures of my three friends, this one came to my mind. How quickly togetherness seems to be overshadowed. Some rain, dark clouds, lots of cold wind and many humors turn sour. Virtue often isn't so much a quality of character, but of a well filled belly and a sunny sky. (Quoting C. S. Lewis very freely.) Trouble will show what someone is made of. In trouble true character, true virtue will shine through. Everybody is kind of a nice person as long as nothing stands in his way or is clouding his mind. It is in contrariety that the true colors shine through. But be of good cheer. Those, who are truly God's children, they will stand even in the midst of torrents of rain and twisted storms, ripping life apart like a tornado rips a house apart. As much as the house doesn't need it, the character does. Thus proven it can continue to grow closer to God. So, God's word says there will be trouble. However it will be spelt. It is how someone stands the storm that will show his firm beliefs. Those truly walking with God will not fall. They will be able to find shelter in God's shadow. Then, and only then, many will find, what David found so many years ago: Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. (Ps 23:4)
good news,
ps 23,
take heart,
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Matthew 18:20 For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”
Have you ever felt like being totally strange or out of place? Trying hard to fit in? Only to find out much later that everybody else feels as strange and tries to fit in just as desperately? What happens, if three persons then try to adapt their strangeness to anothers strangeness? Being in some deep water of their own? The useful thing to do is to adapt to God's mould of who a person is or could be. And in a gathering of three strange people to not envy this or that about another, but to know they are working as hard as anybody else on fitting in or moulding their life according to God's word. Everybody is strange and a stranger in some way or another. Then, when this can be acceppted without judgement of how different one is to another, or envy on what might be perceived as an advantage, then two or three getting together can acheive great things in prayer. This, unluckily enough, is very rare, for it is so rare that two or three amid God's people truly agree to pray for the same thing and agree with each other. So please, agree to the otherness of the other. And be one in prayer. Matthew 18:20 "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” What happens, when two or three of us strange people get together?
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Amos 3:3 Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so?
Amos 3:3
Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so? If someone is lonely, walking all alone, which isn't the same, and has been used to do so for many years. Even if the water gets high, will that person be able to accept the presence of anyone else? Togetherness is a difficult thing. Deuteronomy 22:10
Do not plow with an ox and a donkey yoked together. The fear of being yoked up with someone unfitting to whatever standard a person goes by is big. And very justified. Scripture says, that it is no good to yoke together an unfit pair. Many have interpreted this a meaning a believer should not joke his life to somebody who doesn't believe. And what about all the factions of the church, that so often seem insurmountable? Is it easier to be drowned alone than to be saved by another? What if that other is Jesus, who wants to save all. Can he be accepted? Can another be accepted as Savior? As the one one owns his life too? Many, even in church, struggle with having to do it all. To be perfect before allowing a perfect Savior to come to the rescue so much needed and craved for. There are things in life, chains, spiritual chains of the mind, that cannot be broken unless a stronger one comes to the rescue. Let that one be Jesus. And swallow the fear and the pride. It will not be easy, though. A bird that has been caged for most of his life will have to struggle to live in freedom and may sometimes come to regret his cage, the safety of food. So are the children of God. Like the Israelites, they may regret the meat pots of Egypt. If you do, pls go to God and pray. he will show you the glory of this freedom and the beauty of this scary freedom, the freedom of togetherness.Psalm 98:8 Let the rivers clap their hands, let the mountains sing together for joy;
Psalm 98:7-9
Sunday, August 18, 2013
For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. Philippians 1:21
Have you ever been too deep to get out? Been in deep waters with no possibility of a return to what was? When the waters are rising and the forecast is bleak? Have started a thing that grew too big to be kept under control? Found yourself in more trouble than you bargained for? I do. I had this wish to write my book, it had been on my heart for several years before I gave in to the longing of my heart. And I did, what no every wise person will tell you NOT to do. I quit my job, thinking I had enough savings to get over the year or so of writing. And then the writing seemed to take a good hold of my life. .. Now, more than 10 years later, I sometimes wonder what happened. I wrote the book. But there is no way back to where I came from. Nothing is as it used to be. Did I die? Did the world around be die? It broke, that is sure. Not in very lovely pieces always. But I understand. To die is gain. Though I sometimes still don't understand what happened, I have won Christ, have been given grace in sometimes traumatic circumstances. Have you been there? Dying is not as easy as it sounds. But like in physical death this life has to be given up, which is hard, to win eternal life, so dying to this world will be gain. God's word says so. I found it true. Though I still wonder what hit me. Please trust God, it is much better to give up even a right, to hold the other cheek, even if you don't know why or what hit you.
bible verse,
deep waters,
Sunday, August 11, 2013
The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. Gen. 12:1
Abraham's story has always held many mysteries to me. How could he, hearing the voice of God, recognize it as God's voice and do as he was told? Being so puzzled made me read many documents and this is how I piece the story together, much coming from archeological discoveries. So Ur in Chaldea was the king's town. He had a huge palace there and there were many temples, the biggest one was to the Moon-God. The Moon-God's name was "Sin". Does that ring a bell? They had built pyramids for temples, pyramids like the south-american ones and the offered sacrifices on top of the pyramids. So, what if Abram was of royal lineage, one of the high priests of the Moon-God, thus used for sacrifices, even to sacrifice the eldest sons? It makes archeological sense and biblical sense too. But has Abram then, while living in Ur, sacrificed human beings to the Moon-God? If he was a priest or a prophet, observing the rituals of his god, this may be possible. But because of his service to a god he may have been open to a call from God, which he could recognize as a different God and yet worship. And it explains, why God would ask Abram to leave all behind. All the other gods, the sacrifices, the royalty. And when, much later, God asked Abraham to offer his only son, Abraham would know about the custom of gods asking for the blood of a male child. He would bow to God. Only to learn, that this God is like no other God. After Abraham obeyed, he gave a ram for sacrifice, showing thus that he wanted no human blood on his altar, except the blood of Jesus. This is so full of sense and further thoughts on how God came to reveal himself, pointing already towards the sacrifice of his son as the only sacrifice able to free us from sin.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1 Is this face in the picture your face? Do you sometimes feel odd-looking, estranged, forlorn in the midst of happy and beautiful people? Is your mind troubled? Blown all around? If you now say a definite : no, never; that is, when there is a problem. For as God's children we live in two conflicting world. It is a very adequate reaction to be puzzled, out of wits sometimes, bordering madness or confusion. This is God's time. This is the moment, when under too much pressure , the mind splits open for a second to allow God in. Have courage, all troubled ones, God's kingdom is for those who need him.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart; don’t rely on your own intelligence.
Today is writing day. So I wrote these musings, as I was at it anyway. Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart; don’t rely on your own intelligence. This verse is a big part of what I am writing about. Have read a lot of articles on man wanting to live on Mars, or further off, if a man can get there. Not knowing what good it would do to Mars or planet-x. It is supposed to ensure survival of mankind.
What mankind can survive, if it is a man without God? And if there is a God, why, wouldn't he interfere if those who trust in him pray? Not knowing, whether there is still faith in a God that can move mountains, not to talk about asteroids or space trash.
maybe any society "out there" wouldn't be too happy with man invading their planet. Maybe they are not what a man is looking for through his satellites or infrareds and such. Maybe that society has long since stopped living on air and water man so desperately needs and searches for.
Maybe a new kind of being is amidst us now. Without being acknowledged, maybe rather feared? If only man knew, that knowing God makes anyone a new creature......
Monday, March 25, 2013
Exodus 34:29 ..., he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord.
Exodus 34:29
"..., he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord."
Moses spoke to the Lord and his face shone. It was so radiant, that he had to put a veil on for it scared people away. Clearly, talking to God was a rewarding and fulfilling action for Moses.
Has it ever been for you? Has your face ever been shining so much, that people around wondered? Or were scared? Have you ever felt God so close, that his presence imprints on the form and the face of the human?
Moses did. Jesus did. Though with him people were rather attracted to God. They didn't understand. Were first they cried "Hail the king!" only a couple of days later they cried: "Crucify!".
Maybe people would have stoned Moses, had they not been so afraid of the presence of the Lord. For those, who do not know God, this presence is fearsome. No knowing, what they'll do, maybe even in jealousy. For their face will not shine.
As easter approaches, please search the face of the Lord. Maybe until your face shines too and all worries are drowned in God's presence.
Think, your grief is so great, not even God can handle it? He can. And even in the midst of horrifying sorrow God's light can shine through.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Psalm 66:5 Come and see what God has done, his awesome deeds for mankind!
God has done awesome things for us. Giving us the breath and the air needed to breathe. He has given us the ability for pain too. In pain, sometimes it is easy to forget the awesomeness. In disaster many ask why? Why God. The only answer ever lies probably in awe, obedience and praise.
Man fell for sin. God knew and he let it happen. Can it be blamed on him, if things go terribly wrong? Is it fair to trace back all misfortune to him without ever stopping to give thanks for the wonderful things?
God is worth awe and adoration, he is terribly beautiful and majestic. Bow and pray for mercy, for freedom from the tyrannical and unjust self to be admitted to God's grace.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. 2 Cor. 10:5
Bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. 2 Cor. 10:5
It is one of the difficulties of modern times to keep thoughts on God. They are so easily distracted. As much as life. Life gets easily sidetracked.
To keep a sober watch on thoughts and actions is as necessary as ever. Luckily God is there to make this come true.
If not it would be impossible to make a dream come true. The dream of being good.
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