Thursday, August 11, 2011

Philippians 4:9 The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.

There is a serious promise attached to a huge demand. Do, what you know to be right, do, what you know to be the way, Jesus has set you on, and deep inner peace will follow. Many would love to find inner peace. They might travel around the world in search for it. But to obey God? Too easy? Too difficult? It is the only way to find inner peace. And I have tried some of the trodden paths. It may feel nice, but the hearts longing usually remains empty. In getting closer to God there is this assurance of peace. And the world around may start spinning with madness and disgust. But God will be there and bring peace. He will satisfy every need. Even if it may be by taking the need away. He has his own ways of being glorious and funny and wonderful. Which is why: Heaven is a wonderful place. (And though fish may look peaceful, as much as I know they strive as much as anybody else. Yet their watery world somehow seems to promise relief, at least relief from the weight of my own self...)

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