Sunday, August 14, 2011

He *said to him, “Do you wish to get well?” (John 5:6)

Sunny summer days are a delight to the eye and skin, they show a pretty side of nature and one easily agreed upon. Sometimes it looks as if it had been touched by and angel. And has some power to heal sadness and sorrow. 

The big picture is beautiful, with a high sky and summer clouds wandering by. It is joy to the eye and the heart.  To get some of the air, hot with sunshine and cooled with a breeze is to me always part of a greater miracle.
The small picture may be more difficult to see and it is way more fragile than the great view. It is beautful in its fragility and composition of color. Every one of these little things make the big picture beautiful. If one is missed, will anyone care? One may not make a difference as the dog in his impetouos ways jumps on several of them. But even though - it is the small things in life that make the big picture pretty. Jesus cared for crowds, big picture, he cared as well for little children, small picture.  

But at Bethesda, where many sick people were waiting for the angel to touch the waters to be made whole, Jesus only healed one man. That has often puzzeled me. Why wouldn't Jesus make the waters move constantly or do a general healing "session"? Because often the sickness is for us a learning opportunity. he healed that one man to teach him a lesson. Which the man did not learn. It is a challenge to admit, I don't get the big picture here. If I could. I would have healed everybody. Wouldn`t you?  Maybe in their hearts they didn't want to get well? Or wanted to have their own ways? I have to trust, that Jesus knows what needs to be done. For me and for others. He is Lord. If I don't forget, the picture may remain foggy but beautiful. If I don't trust, nasty spots will easily appear. Not in this world but in my soul. Those spots will hinder my seeing the wonders of God. Even though it may not be easy to trust where I don't understand. I am like the small flower in a big picture that only God sees.

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